I have a confession to make. I LOVE bone broth. Specifically, home-made, organic bone broth. Besides it being very delicious, it’s REALLY good for you. It’s one of those superfoods that optimize your wellness in multiple ways, all at once. Joint Health. Gut Health. Skin Health. Immune System Health. Anti-Inflammatory Properties. The list can go (and on).
OK, I’m gushing now. I’m spoiled because my lovely bride makes it every week at home.
But this article isn’t about my bride’s bone broth. It’s about the bone broth experience at a world-class resort in Hudson Valley, NY. Specifically, the renowned Wildflower Farms, which is part of the Auberge Collection.
I recently visited, and the hotel has amazing amenities and a first-class staff. But the bone broth though…
For the two nights I was there, I had a cup of bone broth FOUR times! (Yeah, I might have a problem.)
The first time was at lunch. I tasted it and was floored. Then, the server (Connor), excused himself and returned with an envelope. Guess what was in it? The BONE BROTH RECIPE!!!
That is world-class. He gave me what I didn’t even ask for.
Oh, it gets better!
When I was leaving the resort, Ashley, one of the guest service managers, gave me a gracious goodbye, presented me with a “thank you” card AND a cup of bone broth for the road.
That is world-class.
When I think of world-class, I think of excellence. The root word in excellence is excel, which means to go beyond. Beyond what? Beyond what’s expected!
As long as you give only what is expected, excellence has not taken place.
Excellence is intentional. Excellence is deliberate. Excellence is heartfelt. Excellence demands effort. Excellence insists that you DO MORE than is required.
The opposite of excellence is not poor. The opposite of excellence is AVERAGE.
Excellent and average are polar opposites of each other.
So, how can you hardwire excellence into your daily life? ALWAYS ask yourself, “Is there anything more I can do?”
Only a certain type of person will ask themselves that question. It is the type of person who is not content with mediocrity. It is the type of person who strives for continuous improvement. It is the type of person who aims to excel everyday.
Is that you? Only you can answer that question.
Takeaway: Of all the things you can be known for, be known for EXCEL-lence!