Words of Widsom

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Be a CARE-Giver

I have to admit, I don’t get upset too easily. It takes a lot to disturb the peace that I’ve worked hard to attain in my life. But there is one thing that drives me insane. It REALLY gets my blood boiling. Do you know what it is? Apathy. Specifically,

Thank You, Hospitality

Thank you, Hospitality. My life changed when I met you. Everything came alive. Even as a 15-year old busboy, I knew that nothing would ever be the same. I wasn’t just serving bread, pouring water and clearing tables. No, my role was to ensure a flawless, world-class dining experience for

What is EXCEL-lence?

I have a confession to make. I LOVE bone broth. Specifically, home-made, organic bone broth. Besides it being very delicious, it’s REALLY good for you. It’s one of those superfoods that optimize your wellness in multiple ways, all at once. Joint Health. Gut Health. Skin Health. Immune System Health. Anti-Inflammatory Properties.

Are You a Fountain or Drain?

Fountains give nourishment. Drains take it away. Am I a fountain or a drain? That is the essential question that each of us should ponder daily. Am I giving energy or am I sucking it away? Am I giving ideas or am I tearing them down? Am I looking for


Yes. Three letters. Small, but mighty. There is so much that is written about boundaries and saying “no.” Make no mistake, boundaries are essential. They help us to preserve and prioritize what is truly important. I’ve had to learn (the hard way) that when I didn’t set healthy boundaries, my

Make It Better

Who smiles when you show up? What improves when you appear? Is the room brighter with you in it? Is the team more effective with you on it? Your presence is meant to make situations better. Nothing should be the same. And nothing should be worse. Only better! This means

Heart of a Leader

Why should anyone follow you? Anywhere? Seriously, that is the question that leaders must ask themselves. John Maxwell wrote, “If you think you are leading, and no one’s following, then you’re just taking a walk.” A cynic might ask, “who do you think you are to believe that YOU are

Be Contagious

When we read or hear the word “contagious”, we often think of sicknesses like the flu or the common cold 🤒. However, attitudes are contagious as well. Both positive and negative. If you don’t believe me, spend 5 minutes with someone who has a rancid attitude. I can guarantee that

The SPECIAL Leaders

As a leader, one of the most offensive things you can do is to NOT believe in someone. Specifically someone who is on your team. It is demoralizing and devastating.😞 Whether you realize it or not, if you don’t believe in someone, that person KNOWS how you feel. Your disbelief

The BEST Leaders

“Treat people as they are, and they will remain as they are. Treat people as they can and should be, and they will become as they can and should be.” Goethe Wow. When I read that quote, I felt every word on a molecular level. It literally reflects my career.

Only the Hungry

Please! Only give me hungry people.  Hungry to learn.  Hungry to grow. Hungry to serve. Hungry to encourage. Hungry to live. ⭐Only the hungry. It’s hard to find someone who’s consistently hungry. We can easily become complacent…and entitled…and ungrateful because of all that we have. But the hungry… They appreciate what they have AND imagine what

The Person Makes The Job

For this article to make sense, I need to give some background. ✈️I’ve been traveling full-time for close to 20 years. Many thousands of flights.✈ All over the world. I KNOW that I’ve flown well over 1 million miles, because I received the Million Miler designation from one of the