Special & Different for a Reason

You may not know the reasons for why you went through what you did, but you MUST know that you are special & different for a reason!

Years ago, when I was in the 3rd grade, I was walking home from school.

As I was passing by one particular house (like I did everyday), an elderly lady came out to the fence, looked at me VERY intently and said, “I can tell that you are not like the other children. You are very polite, but I also see them teasing you because of your stutter. You’re special and different for a reason!”

I thank God for that lady.

I’ve never forgotten that day, and little did I know that I’d become a professional speaker years later.

You may not know the reasons for why you went through what you did, but you MUST know that you are special & different for a reason!

⭐Don’t rob the world of the brilliance that is YOU. Be unapologetically you. Don’t try to sound like anyone…write like anyone…speak like anyone…dress like anyone…or think like anyone.

There are words this world will never hear unless YOU say them. There are things this world will never see unless YOU create them.

That is how unique you are. BORN to be that way. Other people might not understand you. That’s ok. Don’t let their lack of understanding make you think that you’re unworthy.

Yes, you ARE worthy!
Yes, you ARE blessed!
Yes, you ARE strong!
Yes, you ARE a child of God!

Takeaway: Everyday. All day. Be You.

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