Me First (Affirmation)

As I live each day, my goal is not to wait for what I can get…it is to see what I can give.

I was allowed to wake up today; many others were not.

I am allowed to walk and talk today; many others can not.

I will use the gifts I’ve been blessed with today; many others will not.

And because such favor has fallen on me, my mission is to serve…first.

I will encourage first.
I will love first.
I will help first.
I will lift first.
I will give first.

Even more than that…

I will open doors first.
I will show gratitude first.
I will give recognition first.

Me First!

I have no right to expect ANYTHING from ANYONE whom I haven’t given something to first.

did not work for the air that I breathe.

I had nothing to do with the sun shining on me.

My heart is not beating because of anything I did.

They are all gifts. And beautiful gifts at that.
Gifts that I never asked for.
Gifts that I receive everyday.

I am alive, so I will live.

I have received, so I will give…first.

Here is the 18″x24″ version of the Me First poster!

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