Me First (Affirmation)

As I live each day, my goal is not to wait for what I can get…it is to see what I can give.

I was allowed to wake up today; many others were not.

I am allowed to walk and talk today; many others can not.

I will use the gifts I’ve been blessed with today; many others will not.

And because such favor has fallen on me, my mission is to serve…first.

I will encourage first.
I will love first.
I will help first.
I will lift first.
I will give first.

Even more than that…

I will open doors first.
I will show gratitude first.
I will give recognition first.

Me First!

I have no right to expect ANYTHING from ANYONE whom I haven’t given something to first.

did not work for the air that I breathe.

I had nothing to do with the sun shining on me.

My heart is not beating because of anything I did.

They are all gifts. And beautiful gifts at that.
Gifts that I never asked for.
Gifts that I receive everyday.

I am alive, so I will live.

I have received, so I will give…first.

Here is the 18″x24″ version of the Me First poster!

More To Explore

Are You a Fountain or Drain?

Fountains give nourishment. Drains take it away. Am I a fountain or a drain? That is the essential question that each of us should ponder


Yes. Three letters. Small, but mighty. There is so much that is written about boundaries and saying “no.” Make no mistake, boundaries are essential. They