Keep Going

There are some things that only come to those who refuse to quit.

Literally, “not stopping” is the only ingredient that many of us miss. Whenever I have a burning vision to accomplish something I promise myself that I will not stop…until I succeed. And I make that promise before I even begin the real work.

Back in November of 2016, we decided to host our first 2-day leadership conference. It was called the BW Leadership Academy (BWLA), and was held in Baltimore, MD. Up to that point, we held 1-day workshops throughout the U.S. and Europe. BWLA was going to be our first conference with general sessions, breakout sessions, multiple speakers, a panel of experts, cocktail reception…the whole nine yards!

The education was top-notch, the food was great, the hotel was amazing, and our event guests had a great time. The only “little” problem was that we lost money on the event. Like, A LOT of money.

It was the kind of financial let-down that set us back for several months.

Then, despite the financial letdown, guess what I decided to do? You guessed it. We hosted another BWLA 7 months later in Phoenix, AZ! It was held in May of 2017, and we hit another home run with the content and the event experience. But, we lost even more money.

Did we stop? Nope. Was I personally advised to stop? Yep.

Fast forward 5 months later, and we held yet another BWLA in October of 2017 in Annapolis, MD. Finally, we didn’t lose money AND we made a nice profit!

Since then, we’ve held 15 VERY successful events all over the U.S.

So, what’s the point?

Persist…UNTIL you succeed.

There. Is. No. Quit.

It’s not over…until you succeed. That’s the standard. Everytime.

It might take longer. You may have to take a break. You might even shed a tear. But keep going.✔️

I know that it hurts to keep falling down. But keep going.✔️

People may laugh at you. But keep going.✔️

You might feel like you’re not making any progress. But keep going.✔️

If it’s important enough, you won’t stop…so don’t stop.

Hold Tight. Go Hard. Keep Trying. Until you succeed.

Takeaway: Let your testimony for how you persevered become someone else’s inspiration.

Click here to see our upcoming events!

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