Are You a Fountain or Drain?

Fountains give nourishment. Drains take it away.

Am I a fountain or a drain?

That is the essential question that each of us should ponder daily.

Am I giving energy or am I sucking it away?

Am I giving ideas or am I tearing them down?

Am I looking for ways to build others up or am I only promoting myself?

Am I celebrating others’ success or am I complaining about not being celebrated?

* Who am I helping?

* Who am I serving?

* Who am I encouraging?

In this world, I am either giving or taking.

And I want to be a giver. I want to be known as a giver.

But as I give, I never want to stifle or discourage others who want to give as well.

Because, sometimes, givers can be the worst takers.

The same way I am blessed by giving, others are as well.

The same way I am energized by giving, others are as well.

So whether I give or receive, let me do it with love in my heart.

Here’s the takeaway: Be a fountain. Not a drain.

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